27 March 2008

Well hello...

Well, it was bound to happen. Having done everything else on the road to trying to get published, I discovered (via a literary agent, no less) that there was one final frontier: blogging. Though I shrink from the idea, it seems possible that a potentially view-able place to write might give me a little more structure and responsibility when it comes to writing. I might, for example, write with regularity. I might write with the intention of finishing one project before moving on to the next.

In general, these are the pages for my observations on newly single life as a woman in the sticks. Though the only blogs I know that don't make me want to gag are written by people who've done something interesting, like live in a third-world country, or post photos which I would otherwise never see, refusing to subscribe to Facebook, I will attempt to make this a worthy read.

Here goes...

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